Middle School Social Studies / 8th Grade

Writing for Change
How should the government balance protecting life with protecting liberty?
Students consider a scenario where their privacy is impacted at school as a result of social media posts. This helps students begin thinking about their rights in school and outside of school, and what responsibilities they have to their community. Students learn about the Supreme Court’s role in interpreting the Constitution and explore how government actions have sought to balance the protection of life and liberty throughout U.S. history. Students research a constitutional issue of their choice, critically examining various perspectives and historical precedents and develop a response to the question: How should the government balance protecting life with protecting liberty? Students research one particular constitutional issue and develop a persuasive argument for change that they will present to an elected official.
Unit length: 4 weeks (18 hours)
”"I see connections everywhere, like I watch TV and I realize that I know about the Supreme Court case that created Miranda rights."
Jamal, Student