Middle School Science / 8th Grade

How can we design a parachute system to safely deliver life-saving supplies to a disaster area?
Students take on rolesĀ as engineers with the Research and Training Organization arm of NATO to lead disaster relief missions around the world as they investigate the driving question: How can we design a parachute system to safely deliver life-saving supplies to a disaster area? During their training, students apply the key physics principles of force and energy to design, build, and test an airdrop system prototype for a specific disaster scenario. Students write a Disaster Response Action Plan describing their design andĀ present their parachute airdrop system at a culminating exhibition.
Unit length: 7 weeks (35 hours)
”"I think our primary goal is student engagement, where they are wanting to learn for learning's sake, and not because they are afraid of what's due or a grade. With Educurious they are motivated, truly, from the material itself."
Sandi, Teacher