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Strategic Plan 2023 – 2027

Our Landscape

The system is our unit of change. We partner with educational systems that prioritize student-centered approaches, inquiry-based learning, enhanced engagement for both students and teachers, and authentic learning rooted in students’ interests and identities.  We engage with systems that believe all educators and students are capable. We collaborate with these systems in three ways:

  •  Large scale competitive adoptions of Educurious science and social studies project-based learning instructional materials
  •  Custom partnerships featuring our distinctive initiative of community-based curriculum co-design.
  •  Mission-driven organizational partnerships for the implementation of high-quality project-based learning

Our Approach

Educurious recognizes the continuum of inquiry learning that sits at the center of the Project-Based Learning (PBL) landscape.  PBL creates an environment where students have agency in their learning and can fuel their developing knowledge and culminating presentations with their own interests, identities, and ways of knowing. Through project-based learning students are inspired to gain content knowledge in core subjects while also building skills in communication, collaboration, problem-solving, critical thinking and creativity.  We do this work to ensure that students are seen, heard, and prepared for the future they choose.

Our Reputation

Stakeholder feedback demonstrates Educurious is a trusted partner with a reputation for quality, care, collaboration and responsiveness. The organization as a whole, and the individuals on staff are highly regarded for their expertise.


Leveraging opportunity

We will approach growth deliberately and opportunistically in ways that are sustainable and responsive.

5-year Growth Goals


Using existing research, we have a set of enabling conditions for successful implementation of our work using metrics to guide us.

Our district footprint has increased from 30% of states to 60%.

We have expanded our portfolio of curriculum.

Sprocket is fully integrated into our model.

We are positioned to take advantage of international opportunities as they occur.

We have secured sufficient earned revenue and grants to sustain our growth and have a healthy reserve.


Investing in our team

We will recruit a dynamic, growth-oriented, diverse workforce. We will retain them by committing to the daily practice of equity and inclusion and by cultivating a culture of care.

5-year People Goals


We have an established approach to leadership development and transition.

Our team is diverse and exceptional.

Our team has a just-right ratio of FTEs and consultants.

We’ve built and implemented a differentiated system of care.


Shaping our narrative

We will shape a transformative narrative about teaching and learning and define our identity within it.

5-year Storytelling Goals


Our brand identity is clear and well-known.

We have standardized our method(s) of communicating impact.

We have consistent touchpoints with the right audiences.



We create the conditions for all members of our team and the educators and students we serve to thrive; we expand our community’s notion of who belongs, who is seen and who is heard.


All students have access to an education where they are engaged, feel a sense of belonging, and achieve at high levels.


Together we know more.


All students, all teachers possess the ability to engage in inquiry-based learning that links subject matter with significant concepts.


We care for each other, our partners, and our work.