Washington State History / Middle School

Innovation Through the Lens
How does innovation impact communities in Washington?
Students kick off the unit with an analysis of images by engaging in a Four Corners activity, in which they begin to unpack the many positive and negative impacts of innovations on communication, infrastructure, and workers’ rights. After this initial analysis, students listen to oral histories, read narrative accounts, and study photos of people and places, to answer the question: How does innovation impact communities in Washington? Throughout the unit, students research a transformative innovation in workers rights, communication, and infrastructure in order to create a thought-provoking photo essay about how their chosen innovation impacts people and places in Washington.
Unit length: 3 weeks (15 hours)
”"I think our primary goal is student engagement, where they are wanting to learn for learning's sake, and not because they are afraid of what's due or a grade. With Educurious they are motivated, truly, from the material itself."
Sandi, Teacher