All users of or The Educurious Expert Network (either Expert or Project Connection) must sign this code of conduct. It is the document that guides interactions with experts, students, teachers, and each other. Please make sure you are familiar with it.
This Code of Conduct applies to all Educurious users.
- Students and their learning come first.
- Learning happens best in a safe and trusted environment.
- Confidentiality and privacy are critical elements in supporting learning.
- Quality and professionalism are the hallmark of a great expert, a great teacher and a great learner.
- Communication that is clear, timely and thoughtful supports learning and all the principles in this code of conduct.
- Respect for the ownership of individual works supports respect for others and creates a sense of value for the output of the learning process.
- Network and other resources provided by Educurious or the school district are for the purposes of student learning only.
- Teamwork and professional collaboration encourage the best kind of learning.
a) You won’t share any personally identifiable information (PII). For example, we do not want you to share:
- Your last name.
- Your address. (You can mention your state and country or if local user your city)
- Your phone numbers.
- Your email addresses.
- Your IM account names.
- Your User Name on other sites.
- Your school name.
- Official numbers (such as your school ID number, Social Security, credit cards, driver’s license, etc.).
2) Students and their learning come first. The Educurious Approach is a student centered learning environment. Students are considered developing experts and their learning and knowledge growth is central to the design and implementation of Educurious.
3) Learning happens best in a safe and trusted environment. Educurious experts, teachers and students will not behave in a way that includes posting or uploading materials that are harmful, obscene, embarrassing, hateful or offensive or that invade someone else’s privacy. Three specific principles guide these actions and communications:
- Respect for others
- Treat others in the same manner as you would want to be treated
- Do not demean through put-downs or ridicule in communications
- Avoid derogatory comments regarding others
- Respect differing points of view
- Respect the right to privacy of every member of the learning team
- Trustworthiness, honesty and integrity
- Be honest; admit when you don’t know the answer and endeavor to help the learners find the answers
- Keep any promises made, especially when it comes to time commitments
- Acknowledge references when materials originate from sources other than yourself
- Share your insights thoughtfully and freely
- Use The Educurious Expert Network for its intended purpose: to support student learning
- Fairness and equality
- Avoid favoritism, which could be created or perceived through close personal relationships
- Acknowledge boundaries
- Immediately disclose any conflicts of interests (real or perceived)
- Provide clear expectations regarding your comments and support
- Maintain impartiality and consistency in your comments and support
- Demonstrate respect for diversity and promote equality
- Endeavor to provide equal access to all
- Endeavor to point out facts that are distorted, bias, or personal points of view
- Encourage exploration of varying points of view
4) Confidentiality and privacy are critical elements in creating a learning environment. Confidentiality should extend to all communications and is based on four basic tenants:
- Respect for an individual’s right to privacy.
- Respect for relationships in which personal information is shared.
- An appreciation of the importance of confidentiality to individuals, the learning team and society in general.
- Expectations that those who pledge to safeguard confidential information will do so.
5) Quality and professionalism are the hallmark of a great expert, teacher and learner. Take personal responsibility in maintaining the quality of communication and demonstrate:
- Your pursuit of excellence – share your ongoing professional development and education experiences and the importance of continuing to learn and grown
- Your dependability – provide timely and helpful feedback to support students growing expertise in the committed time frame
- Your reliability – be consistent in your support not just once, but over the course of your interaction with the learning team
- Your responsibility – show students you are prepared, point them to resources that support their thinking and work, meet all deadlines
6) Communication that is clear, timely and thoughtful supports learning and all the principles in this Code of Conduct. Be clear and to the point in all communication, which will help students in the development of expertise and experts and teachers in supporting them. It is important to note that ALL communication WILL occur on the Educurious Platform in an open and transparent manner and will be viewable by teachers and Educurious Network staff at anytime
7) Respect for the ownership of individual works supports respect for others and creates a sense of value for the output of the learning process. Copyright and intellectual property laws apply to all users and should be respected and adhered to without exception. Please cite all sources and acknowledge others’ contributions. Take responsibility for anything you post on the Educurious Platform.
8) Network and other resources provided by Educurious or the school district are for the purposes of student learning only. Network resources are not unlimited, and using them for purposes other than in support of the Educurious Curriculum and learning can adversely impact these resources. Storing files of any kind that are not directly related to the Educurious engagement is strictly prohibited.
9) Teamwork and professional collaboration encourage the best kind of learning. We should all strive to maintain the highest standards by respecting the diversity and differences of opinions as teamwork is strengthened by good collaboration and a variety of viewpoints.
10) All engagements between the Educurious expert, partner teacher, students and staff that occur on the Educurious Platform or The Educurious Expert Network remain the sole property of Educurious Partners or designated partners as determined by Educurious.